A Sustainable Hive of Industry
Hantz Honey
As a business spanning three generations, and working towards providing for the next, sustainability both in business and environmental terms is of great importance to us and our bees. A fourth generation is wanting to be involved, though a little young yet, we’re sure they will further our ideals of a more environmentally sustainable, ever-evolving, hive-health focused business.
Home Base
Major riparian planting has taken place over many years on our home block, around spring-fed Hart's Creek. We have chosen not to intensively farm our land as it boarders Lake Ellesmere which provides an expansive playground for native flora and fauna.
Recycled Packaging
Hantz Honey are concerned about the impact commercial activities have on the environment, especially our packaging. It is clear traditional packaging has become unsustainable so Hantz Honey went to the market looking for more environmentally friendly options. Our clear PET poly jars are made out of 70% recycled plastic, making them both reusable and recyclable.
Trees for Bees
Hantz Honey is an established project farm and foundation member of Trees for Bees Research Trust who are a non-profit organisation with a focus on nationwide bee health.
The Trees for Bees programme exists to research the value of candidate bee forage plants and create templates for beekeepers and landowners to design and install strategic plantations of bee feed that will maximize bee health and survival in New Zealand.
For more information please visit: www.treesforbeesnz.org
Solar Powered Honey House
We operate a solar powered honey factory – the only one in the South Island! We are using renewable energy where we can. It has made great business and environmental sense to embrace this technology.
For more information please visit: www.keaenergy.nz/honey-factory-30kw
Buy New Zealand Made
We are proud to hold a license with BUY NEW ZEALAND MADE – an organization actively promoting New Zealand products on the domestic and global markets.
Hantz Honey are proud producers, processors and packers of 100% New Zealand made natural raw honey products.
In support of our picturesque country and its beautiful people,
For more information please visit: https://buynz.org.nz/
Business sustainability is a strategy that prioritizes the long term survival of a business and connected ecological, social and cultural systems.